Yosemite Sam Can Go to Hell

Last weekend Meredith and I visited Yosemite with our friends Abbey and Mark. To say that it is an amazing park is an enormous understatement. If you ever get the chance to visit Yosemite or any other part of Northern California, please do. It is breathtaking!
Anyway, we came home with some wonderful pictures. So here they are for your viewing pleasure.

Holy shit, dude. Thhose are some of the coolset pics ever. I need to go there. Holy shit.
by the way, did you know that there's a dedicated branch of wikipedia that only deals with star wars? and it's called wookieepedia.
I love that.
I did not know about that. Thank you for telling me about it Chuck. Now I also love it!
I like the seventh one from the top - You're outstanding in that field.
hi我是photo city 你留給我的言!我用翻譯機查了好久,但還是看不董!不過我想因該不是來罵我的吧?你的照片拍的才真的好!我只是興趣!拍不出什麼好作品,有空多來我那看看吧!!照片是無國界的!希望我的photo city能帶給你歡樂
You get all of that last comment?
Ooogie boogie diddly doo...
Wow. You seriously should look into entering a couple of those into a competition. They are great shots. Oh, and the park ain't so bad, either! lol
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