Remembering Why We Love it Here
At times Meredith and I get lonely down here in San Diego. Most of our friends and family live in the Toronto area and that can be very hard at times. However, sometimes when we're feeling lonely, we see something that reminds us of why we love it down here so much.
Southern California sunsets can be absolutely awe inspiring and tonight was no exception. All of these pictures were taken from our front apartment window about 10 minutes ago. This is a prime example of the kind thing we see on at least a weekly basis down here. I still can't believe we live here.... Enjoy!

Beautious and indevious!! Lovely sunset dood... i will be living in downtown shorty and we can enjoy sunsets together... not in a gay gay way at all.
Heya, Digs! Thanks for the birthday wish! Love the sunset pics, especially that last one.
Ha ha. I think you and 'Anonymous' are a couple of fadges. But seriouly, as someone who has seen a sunset from that very window, I can vouch for you.
ah, sandiego's warm glowing warming glow... I'll be seeing you guys over winter!
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